Write Away provides a place for writers to get together, write, and share what they’ve written in a supportive environment.

COVID has disrupted our regular meeting schedule. Last year, we met regularly via Zoom. Check back soon for more updates.

In non-pandemic times, we meet on the second Sunday of each month, in the Community Room at Sobey’s on Starrs Road, in Yarmouth at 2:00 p.m. The date changes to accommodate special occasions such as Mother’s/Father’s Day and national holidays. These changes will be posted under the monthly meeting schedule. Normally the group doesn’t meet in July or August, except for special event preparations or for our annual potluck/workshop.

Meeting Format

Most of the meeting is spent on the exercises, which usually take the form of writing prompts. The prompt is read out and everyone gets 10 or 15 minutes to write a short piece inspired by that prompt. We then go round the table and everyone reads what they’ve written.

It’s a very non-judgemental atmosphere. The idea is not to critique anyone’s work, but rather to get the creative juices flowing, get words down on paper, and share what we’ve written. There are opportunities for more formal critique when we’re preparing pieces for readings or special events.

Special Events

Sometimes there are opportunities to give readings or take part in creative projects. For example, last year we collaborated with the Yarmouth Art Society to create an exhibition that combined visual art with short pieces of writing. Artists created work based on “postcard stories” written by members of our groups. The results were displayed at the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives. In other years we’ve reversed the process, writing short pieces based on paintings or photographs.

Writers who wish to participate in these events usually get together for a critique session before submitting their work.